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The new one rock! The old ones work fine!
Debate Score:55
Total Votes:55
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 The new one rock! (12)
 The old ones work fine! (9)

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Hellno(17724) pic

New Heinz Ketchup Packets Or The Old Ones?


The new one rock!

Side Score: 28

The old ones work fine!

Side Score: 27
2 points

I haven't seen the new ones yet, but they look like they may have some advantages.

Side: The new one rock!
3 points

Chick-fil-A is using them now... I'm not wild about them... they say one equals three of the old packets but it doesn't seem like it?

Side: The new one rock!
3 points

I haven't had any experience with them yet, I just like the idea of not having to find a place to pour the ketchup to be able to dip my fries. What-a-Burger has used something similar, and it's always impossible to get all the ketchup out. Just have to use extra packets on those occasions.

Side: The new one rock!
3 points

Yum! Chick-fil-A :P .

Side: The new one rock!
11 points

I don't care as long as they taste the same.


Side: The old ones work fine!
3 points

The old ones are best... The new ones are supposed to serve as either a squeezable ketchup or a dipping sauce... Here the problem... If you want to squeeze them it's difficult to get all the ketchup out and if you want to use it as a dipping thing... it's difficult to peel the top off without getting some of the ketchup on your hands!

Side: The old ones work fine!
3 points

I havn't tried the new ones, but the old ones are a pain to open too. I just don't like ketchup much anyway.

Side: The old ones work fine!
2 points

I only like it on fries... and maybe meatloaf .

Side: The old ones work fine!
3 points

Yeah, it is good on meatloaf .

Side: The old ones work fine!
2 points

Idk.... i just love the ones that say "Fancy Ketchup"! cause they es fancy! yaaah XD ( yess i am odd)

Side: The old ones work fine!
1 point

THE OLD ONES ARE BEASTIN'!!!!!!!!!! REPLACEMENT IS FUTILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Side: The old ones work fine!
1 point

LOL! I agree... the new ones suck .

Side: The old ones work fine!
1 point

Their both the old ones now.

Side: The old ones work fine!