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 2050 - where will we be 41 years from now? (8)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

2050 - where will we be 41 years from now?

Will we have colonized the moon? Will the Stanford Torus be in space? Will the Galactic Suite be a huge success? Will there be many more like it? Will we have visited another solar system? Will androids like Lieutenant Commander Data be the norm? What's to come, folks? Answer my question!!

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2 points

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why anyone would want to live on the moon instead of earth.

It would be cool to visit though, the tickets would cost an arm and a leg. Literally.

I'm sure we will have something on the moon, I don't know what.

Anyways, I guess the best me can do is make sure the future isn't a disaster.

2 points

Well what if earth became a desolate waste land killed of life due to nuclear war? I think that if I had the choice I would pick the moon if there was already a colony.

I think that we will be just fine 41 years from now. Only thing different is going to be an alternate source for coal or oil.

On a side note I am getting so freaking bored with CD I feel like I am going to lose my mind!

Side: dunno
1 point

If the whole planet was a wasteland from nuclear war, I would probably die from radiation.

But if I knew something like that was going to happen I would gladly go to the moon to have front row seating. (;

Side: dunno

I've already lost mine from the boredom here and I can't even think of what to put up anymore. We need a political boost! I scan the newspapers every day and all the news on-line. There's just nothing worthwhile right now. Perhaps we have something coming up in Europe this week...LOL!

41 years from now I'll be dead...just don't screw up my funeral or I'll come back and taser your dumb asses!

Side: dunno
1 point

I don't think it's a good idea to speculate that far into the future. Just look at the mistake of the Jetson's, which takes place in the early 21st century.

We could either be really technologically advanced and live in a utopia or we could be in the middle of a great world war where nukes are being sent between every country. We could also be anywhere in between these two extremes. It's difficult to foresee 40+ years into the future though. Alliances change, new technologies are made, new things are discovered, and new people take power in the world powers. Nothing is certain.

Side: dunno

I expect to be dead by then... unless the life expectancy goes up ;)

Side: dunno
1 point

That would supposedly the time when I would run Google and execute Goggle Domination technique.

By that time I also wanted to use Twitter to order for my pizza. I will Twitter my dry cleaner and those people who is living in the moon by that time.

Side: dunno

I don't think there will that much of a dramatic change in the year 2050 but I do think most diseases will have been cured by then.

Side: dunno